* Jacqulin Ann (Quick) Ritchie (living), my mother, born in Colorado, currently living in St. Louis, Missouri.
* Donald John Ritchie (living), my father, born in Ohio, currently living in St. Louis, Missouri.
* Jack H Quick (1911 - 1999), my mother's father, who was born in Denver and lived in Colorado until he was an adult and then lived in various places in Kansas and Texas before finally settling in Ohio.
* Ruth Penrose (Evans) Quick (1912 -????), my mother's mother, who was born in Colorado and I believe lived in Colorado most of her life. I have been told that she came to see my mother shortly after my birth so technically I “met” her but she and my mother did not remain in touch after that.
* Nelle (Eickelberg) Nissen Quick Heflin (1885 - 1970), my great-grandmother (mother of Jack, grandmother of Jacqulin), who was born in Indiana as the family was making the trek out to Colorado. She lived the remainder of her life in Colorado although she did travel quite a bit. I can remember Ga-Ga visiting us in Ohio and I can also remember a trip out to Colorado when we stayed in her cabin in the mountains above Denver.
* Lela Mabel (Saurer) Ritchie (1913 - 1991), my grandmother (mother of my father, Don). She was born in Wayne County, Ohio and lived there until she married. She lived in Cleveland for about 9 years and then the family moved back to Apple Creek, Ohio (in Wayne County) where she lived the remainder of her life.
*David Washington Ritchie (1908 - 2000), my grandfather (father of my father, Don). He was born in Cleveland, Ohio and lived there until the family moved to Apple Creek, Ohio (in Wayne County) where he lived the remainder of his life.
* John Frederick Saurer (1873 - 1962), my great-grandfather (father of Lela, grandfather of Don), He was born in Wayne County, Ohio and lived there all of his life. I can remember as a very young child visiting Grandpa Saurer in the nursing home.
*Ella Rosa (Graber) Saurer (1883 - 1963) my great-grandmother (mother of Lela, grandmother of Don.) She was born in Wayne County, Ohio and lived there all of her life. I can remember going over to visit her and the pump in the summer kitchen of her house.
*Mary (Benzie) Ritchie (1876 - 1961) my great-grandmother (mother of David, grandmother of Don.) She was born in Inverurie, Scotland and lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts upon coming to the United States. She and Thomas Ritchie were married in Cambridge and soon thereafter moved to Cleveland, Ohio. They retired to a farm near Ravenna, Ohio. I don’t remember her, but I definitely remember going to that farm to visit. There were DOGS there! I remember the dogs ;-)
So, that's 10 for me. I have pictures of everyone on of them, but since I am not at home I have to put this post up totally naked!