Friday, July 30, 2010

Family History Expo ~ I'm in Kansas City!

It's more than past time for a new post here!!  Currently I'm sitting at the "Beacon of Bloggers" table so it only seems right that I actually update my blog.  It's been so much fun that I've actually gotten to meet in person a number of my facebook friends.

Susan Peterson (R) of  Long Lost Relatives and me just getting ready to start the day.

Jenna Mills (L) of Desperately Seeking Surnames.   Although you can't see it, we both have fresh pedicures :-)

And of course, Thomas MacEntee of Geneablogger fame.  He is as full of energy as you would imagine.  It's fun to be in the presents of  actual Blogger Royalty - well at least that's what one of his ribbons says ;-)   I attended his twitter class today and might actually be able to logically "follow along" now.

More later - but just wanted to let everyone know what a fun place Kansas City is this weekend.